Code Stats
These are the stats about the code that I wrote to make this game so far. I also have included the final build stats for Puppy Love for comparison.
Puppy Love |
S.C. v1.0 |
S.C. v1.1 |
S.C. v1.2 |
Total Number of Files
| 48
| 187
| 174
| 180
Total Lines
| 11712
| 47407
| 48834
| 51479
Average Lines Per File
| 243
| 413*
| 470*
| 480*
Actual Lines of Code
| 6907 (59.0%)
| 19634* (54.6%*)
| 21191* (57.0%*)
| 22657* (57.5%*)
Lines of Comments
| 3802 (32.3%)
| 12115* (33.7%*)
| 11447* (30.8%*)
| 11891* (30.2%*)
Lines of Whitespace
| 1003 (8.6%)
| 4233* (11.7%*)
| 4518* (12.2%*)
| 4852* (12.3%*)
Most Lines For a File
| 1730
| 2182
| 2382
| 2435
Least Lines For a File
| 14
| 23*
| 85*
| 85*
Lines for Tools
| 632
| 1160
| 1160
| 1160
*Means the value is from .m files only.
It should be noted that after the release of 1.0 common application code was moved into a common library which is not include in the line count total after release 1.0.